Live @ The Election Collection • Barack Obama fundraising party 2008 10 14 

[NEW YORK NY US] — Bit Shifter performs at The Election Collection, a fundraising party for Presidential candidate Barack Obama, hosted by New Yorkers For Obama, and being held in Manhattan on 10/14. The race is tight, the global stakes are high, and election day is less than a month off. The last eight years have seen some pretty challenging circumstances by any standards, both internationally and domestically — including 9/11, hurricane Katrina, the threat of WMDs in Iraq, and the current financial crisis. But personally I'd argue the current administration hasn't handled them very well. In fact, you could say it's difficult to point to a single challenge to which the administration has risen capably. I think eight years is a long enough trial period for the Republican party, or what passes for it nowadays — and, for all the political opinion of an electronic musician specializing in childrens' toys is worth, I would really like to see an end to the globally and domestically damaging administrative policies that have typified the past two terms. So if you're in a position to attend and donate, please consider it. It'll be a lot of fun, and it will help raise funds for the Obama campaign's most critical stage.

Event Name: The Election Collection: Mixing Art, Drinks, and People For Obama '08

Event Type: Fundraiser & performance

Date: 2008 10 14 Tuesday

7:00  p.m.  •  event begins

Location: Affirmation Arts  [ website ]
523 West 37th Street
New York NY 10018

Admission: $100.00 minimum donation

With: Prince Language
Sharon Van Etten

A, C, E    to 34th St.

Related Links: event listing